Check out these new beauties!
Female Silver Appleyard ducks are highly productive egg layers, producing between 200 to 270 large white eggs each year, making them a popular choice for both small farms and backyard flocks. Female Silver Appleyard ducklings are a domestic breed known for their friendly demeanor, excellent egg-laying ability, and striking appearance.
Please note:
Quantity | Price |
1 - 14 | $12.10 |
15 - 29 | $11.10 |
30 - 59 | $10.15 |
60 - 119 | $9.30 |
120 - 179 | $8.60 |
180 - 359 | $7.95 |
360 + | $7.42 |
Your Price:
Total Price:
As ducklings, they are usually a pale yellow color with light brown or gray markings. As they mature, female Silver Appleyard ducks develop a stunning silver-white plumage with chestnut, brown, and gray feathers, particularly around their heads and necks.
They are a relatively large duck breed. Adult females typically weigh around 6 to 7 pounds.
Female Silver Appleyards are excellent layers, producing around 200 to 270 large white eggs annually. In addition to being good egg layers, Silver Appleyards are also prized for their meat quality, making them a versatile breed for small farms and homesteads.
They are friendly, calm, and good-natured, which makes them a great choice for backyard flocks or farms.
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