Note: The USPS has implemented a new surcharge for shipments of live animals. This additional fee has already been included in our shipping charges to ensure transparency in pricing. We understand this change may raise questions or concerns. If you wish to voice your opinion about this surcharge, we encourage you to contact your state senator or representative.

Muscovy Ducks For Sale in Virginia
Thinking about adding Muscovy ducklings to your backyard, but searching for a hatchery you can trust? As an NPIP-certified hatchery, we guarantee our ducklings are disease-free, including protection against avian influenza and salmonella pullorum. Plus, Muscovy ducklings are fast growers—reaching up to 12 pounds in just 12 weeks! No matter your reason for raising them—be it for delicious eggs, meat, or as pets—they’ll be full-grown ducks in no time. Ready to start your flock? Shop our Muscovy ducks for sale in Virginia today.