Note: The USPS has implemented a new surcharge for shipments of live animals. This additional fee has already been included in our shipping charges to ensure transparency in pricing. We understand this change may raise questions or concerns. If you wish to voice your opinion about this surcharge, we encourage you to contact your state senator or representative.

male muscovy ducks for sale in CA with grayish wings

10% Off Your First Order


muscovy eggs in nest in hay

Muscovy Ducks For Sale in Virginia

Thinking about adding Muscovy ducklings to your backyard, but searching for a hatchery you can trust? As an NPIP-certified hatchery, we guarantee our ducklings are disease-free, including protection against avian influenza and salmonella pullorum. Plus, Muscovy ducklings are fast growers—reaching up to 12 pounds in just 12 weeks! No matter your reason for raising them—be it for delicious eggs, meat, or as pets—they’ll be full-grown ducks in no time. Ready to start your flock? Shop our Muscovy ducks for sale in Virginia today.

white male muscovy duck with gray spots

Male Muscovy Ducks For Sale in VA

white female Muscovy duck available for sale in Virginia

Female Muscovy Ducks For Sale in VA

white muscovy ducks for sale in Virginia standing by tree

Muscovy Ducks As Pets

white muscovy ducks for sale in Virginia standing by pond


How Much Do Muscovy Ducklings Cost?

Prices can vary depending on the quantity of ducks and shipping fees, but for between 1-14 male or female muscovy ducks, prices start at $10.10 per duckling. We cannot ship less than 6 ducklings per ship date. For orders of less than 10 ducks, there will be a $15.50 charge. For straight-run Muscovy ducks, it costs around $8.10 per duckling. For black Muscovy ducks, it’s around $11.50 per duck for orders of 1-14.

While our hatchery is located in Narvon, PA., we deliver our ducks nationwide, including to Virginia. It’s important to note that depending on the number of ducks and the distance shipped, prices may vary. There is also an additional fee for shipping that USPS has implemented for transporting live animals. This fee has already been added to our shipping prices. If you would like to voice your opinion regarding this added fee, please contact your Virginia senator or representative.

Is it Legal to Keep Muscovy Ducks as Pets in Virginia?

Yes, the state of Virginia permits you to bring birds into the state so long as they have the proper identification number identified on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) and the shipper is an NPIP participant. You can find out more about having ducks shipped into the state of Virginia on their poultry page. It’s worth noting that while it’s permitted at the state level, certain cities or towns more enforce more restrictions. Be sure to check with your local animal services or planning department to determine if you are permitted to keep Muscovies as pets in your area.

Muscovy duckling sitting in grass

Shop Muscovy Ducklings For Sale in Virginia

Discover our amazing selection of Muscovy ducks for sale in Virginia! We offer both white and black Muscovies as either female, male, or straight run ducklings. You can raise them as pets or for meat and eggs. As an NPIP-certified hatchery, our birds are healthy and ready to go. To make raising them even easier, we offer a Muscovy duck starter pack that ensures you have everything you need.