Note: The USPS has implemented a new surcharge for shipments of live animals. This additional fee has already been included in our shipping charges to ensure transparency in pricing. We understand this change may raise questions or concerns. If you wish to voice your opinion about this surcharge, we encourage you to contact your state senator or representative.

male muscovy ducks for sale in CA with grayish wings

10% Off Your First Order

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question for us? Below, we’ve rounded up some of the questions we get asked the most. If you don’t see the answer to your question, please contact us, we’d be happy to assist you!

General Questions

We specialize in Muscovy, Pekin, and Silver Appleyard ducklings.

Orders can be placed directly through our website or by contacting us via phone or email.

Minimum order requirements for any order that is shipped is 6 ducklings. However, there are no minimum order requirements on pick up orders.

Yes, we ship to the lower 48 states, and to the US Virgin islands  

Care and Maintenance

Ducklings thrive on a balanced starter feed formulated specifically for waterfowl. Ensure they have constant access to fresh water.

While ducklings can swim from birth, It is recommended to wait until ducklings are at least a week old before introducing them to swimming. This allows them to develop the necessary oils in their feathers to stay dry.

If ducks are fed whole grains or have access to forage, providing grit is essential to aid in digestion. However, for ducklings on starter feed, grit isn’t necessary right away.

Each duck requires approximately 2.5 – 3.5 square feet of indoor space. Additionally, providing ample outdoor space for foraging and exercise is beneficial.

While ducks enjoy swimming, it’s not mandatory. Providing swimming water can enrich their environment but requires regular maintenance to ensure cleanliness.

Health & Safety

Ducks can face issues like respiratory infections, parasites, and nutritional deficiencies. Regular health checks and maintaining a clean environment are crucial. It is especially important to ensure their feed and water is aways clean.

Ensure secure housing, especially at night. Using fencing and netting can deter aerial and ground predators.

Vaccination requirements vary by region. Consult with a local veterinarian familiar with poultry to determine necessary vaccinations.

Ordering and Shipping

All our ducklings are shipped via the United States Postal Service, as they are the only agency that will ship live poultry.

Immediately place them in a warm brooder with access to water and appropriate starter feed. Monitor them closely for the first few days to ensure they’re adjusting well.

Please contact us immediately. We have policies in place to address such situations and will work with you to resolve any issues.

Additional Questions

No, for biosecurity reasons, we do not allow tours.

Yes, customers can pick up their orders directly from our hatchery. Please schedule your pickup in advance to ensure your order is ready.