Note: The USPS has implemented a new surcharge for shipments of live animals. This additional fee has already been included in our shipping charges to ensure transparency in pricing. We understand this change may raise questions or concerns. If you wish to voice your opinion about this surcharge, we encourage you to contact your state senator or representative.

male muscovy ducks for sale in CA with grayish wings

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Chris Stoltzfus

Chris Stoltzfus

DIY Muscovy Duck House

white muscovy duck

Muscovy ducks are known for their unique characteristics and friendly personality. If you’ve decided to bring these feathered friends to your backyard, it’s important to make sure they have a safe and comfortable place to stay. In this blog, we’ll…

Muscovy Ducks Beginner’s Guide

What are Muscovy Ducks? Have you been hearing about muscovy ducks, and you’re wondering what sets these fowl apart from other types of ducks? These odd-looking birds are some of the oldest domesticated fowl species in the world. They are…